Saturday 13 April 2013

Day 37 - Fibreglassing the Flat Roof

The terrace area partly fibreglassed
I went up to London at the end of the afternoon today and although it was only a half day, the guys had fitted the edging strips along the party wall and opposite edge as well as having made a start on fibreglassing the lower flat roof. The terrace area will be covered with a hardwood decking so the roof covering won't be seen (and will be well protected). The tricky bits are ensuring the drainage channels through the timber strip that supports the glass balustrade are completely watertight as they are very awkward to reach inside. They had also fitted the skylight above the loft stairs which looks great and gives a lot of light to that top landing. I'm glad I went for it in the end.

Edging detail... very neat!

Skylight in position on the upper flat roof. There will be a dome on top to cover it,


  1. I'm sure you'll be even happier with that skylight once everything is done with the loft. The light it lets in can really bring a room to life. I look forward to when you can see that for yourself and share it with us. :) -Scarlet @ Roof Works

  2. Fiber-glassing the flat roof is a good idea. It looks great and very attractive to see, very neat and well protected from rain. I suggest to those homeowners to try this fiberglass roof.
